Though I produce video content for YouTube and written content for this blog, my favorite media is actually audio. You can listen while cleaning, cooking or driving, unlike reading a blog or watching a video, so it’s with great excitement that I introduce you to my first ever solo podcast.
For a limited time, you can listen to this test run entitled “Rhythms of Learning | The Art of Homeschooling”.
If this is something you’d like from me, please let me know. Any advice and feedback is appreciated 🙂
This was great, as always! Thank you for all that you do.
How wonderful! You are such a wealth of knowledge to those of us just starting out. I have to agree, I love podcasts best as well, but I do manage to watch a lot of YouTube videos. Probably more than is good for me. I know I am late seeing this, but I would love to hear more podcasts from you! You are such an inspiration.