Making homemade cheese and in particular mozzarella is a great learning experience for children and adults. Even though the process was fun and educational, there were times it was confusing and chall...Read More If you don’t know by now, let me just tell you that around here, we like to take our projects up a notch. While this princess hat is super doable either as suggested...Read More
Did you know that during the Middle Ages, plates and forks hadn’t been invented yet?! While spoons, knives and bowls were common, many people ate with their fingers on ‘plates’ made ...Read More
If you shy away from hands on projects, I totally understand. They take far more time than you expect, more often than not the children need help and if you do complete the project, you may be left wo...Read More
Want to know about the Middle Ages? You’ve come to the right place! I’ve collected a wide assortment of resources for this unit study on Medieval Times with a focus on Europe. While our Li...Read More