Print out paper dolls on glossy paper backed with magnetic sheets so paper dolls can have interchangeable outfits! I thought the idea was perfect for these paper dolls I downloaded from Free Downloads...Read More
This is the sixth and final finger puppet in a series of six weather ‘gnomes’ we made for our school room. This one is grey with the word “cloudy” embroidered on the front. Mat...Read More
This has got to be the best tastiest rice in the world!! I’m not a fan of rice, but this is one rice dish, I’ll gladly eat. Packed with dates, currants, lentils and fried onions, what̵...Read More
Did you know turmeric is so good for you? Aside from being an antioxidant, it’s full of other other benefits for your body and brain. I tend to overdo my turmeric consumption, and this is one ch...Read More
This is one of the most refreshing salads you’ll ever taste! What I love about Persian food is that the ingredients are simple, flavorful and nourishing. Salad Shirzi or Cucumber Salad as I like...Read More
Mason jars are a great storage solution for the kitchen. They are pretty, affordable and made of glass making them good for you and good for your food! I don’t put labels on my jars, but sometim...Read More
Wondering what kind of storage containers hold up well to kids? I have a few ideas that can help you keep the clutter and clothes at bay while still maintaining beauty and functionality. Sometimes fab...Read More
Ever wonder what happens to all that trash once it leaves your house? Join me as we visit the Frank R. Bowerman Landfill. What struck me first when we got our of our tour van was that the landfill did...Read More
This is the fifth in a series of six weather ‘gnomes’ we made for our school room. This one is grey with the word “windy” embroidered on the front. Materials for this project ...Read More
The first time I saw my friend, Pernilla, make whip cream I thought to myself, “Why have I never done this before!!” I take it up a notch and use my NutriBullet to make whip cream in less ...Read More