It’s that time of year! It’s time to clean out the homeschool room and make room for new material and new inspiration. Aside from the more laborious tasks of cleaning and dusting, purging ...Read More
Bath Fizzies with mystery toy surprises inside?! What’s not to love! This is a fun twist on bath bombs and sure to delight those reluctant bath takers. I made these with my 11-year-old son and 7...Read More
If you think there’s a perfect curriculum out there, you’re half right. There’ isn’t *the* perfect curriculum, but there’s certainly something that’s nearly perfect...Read More
Fairy peg dolls are some of our favorite peg dolls, but there’s one major challenge when doing these. Because the wings are so prominent and take up so much room, they usually compete with the h...Read More
Homemade hash browns or potato pancakes are great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The only thing that prevents me from making these everyday is the time it takes to shred or grate the potatoes. Surely...Read More
Some peg dolls and fingers puppets end up looking super cute and charming while others look like a nice try. This peg doll is one such project in which all the extra time it took to make something I e...Read More
I’ve been raving about this super simple yet incredibly delicious soup on Instagram recently and now I’m sharing the recipe with you. It’s not an original recipe, I got this from my ...Read More
I believe most learning and academic issues will work themselves out in time, but there are a few things I noticed in our homeschool that didn’t and rather needed intervention. While these are t...Read More
This started out as a simple project, but turned into a homeschool keepsake. I’m not even sure at what point it happened, but this project took on a life of its own! It pulls together three diff...Read More
I love adding watercoloring to our lessons when possible, and this monarch butterfly watercolor is a great beginner project. With just a couple of colors, you can make an extraordinary painting. For t...Read More