Foraged Salad | Nature Unit

As part of our nature unit, we took a workshop on identifying local edible plants. We enjoyed it so much, we added the activity of foraging for edibles in the wild to our nature unit and foraged multiple times throughout the season. We did this activity with a group of homeschoolers in our community, and we all participated in foraging and preparing our salad.

How did it taste? Surprisingly good! I admit I was skeptical about it, but it turned out to be really tasty. The miner’s lettuce is mild and tender, the fennel has a distinctive licorice flavor, the sorrel is light and mild, the wild mustard is sharp and spicy (a little goes a long way), and the milk thistle needs to be cleaned of its thistle before eating and taste reminiscent of celery.

For foraged wisely and safely in the wilderness being mindful of the harmful plants in our area. We gathered off the trails to ensure cleanliness and washed everything before eating. We all survived! None of us got stomach aches as a result of eating foraged foods.

We topped our salad with tomatoes, avocado, pumpkin seeds and dried fruit and made a simple vinaigrette to dress the salad.


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