For many years, we called crepes pancakes because those were the only ones we made. It wasn’t until I was teenage that I realized that pancakes were thick and moist. Now I’m sure to distinguish between the two because I’ve learned that for some people crepes are definitely not pancakes! One day a couple years ago, I invited my family (several siblings and their spouses and kids) for ‘Grandpa’s Pancake Breakfast’. First off, when my brother-in-law arrived he remarked how my sister also called crepes pancakes, too. He broke down all the ways crepes are not pancakes and recalled his confusion one day when my sister made him pancakes (crepes) and he explained they weren’t. So I guess it’s a family thing to call them pancakes. How ever you eat this sweet breakfast treat, you may be surprised at some of the toppings my family enjoys. When my grandfather used to make these, the table would be spread with over a dozen toppings ranging from classics like honey, syrup and jam to nuts, cream and…hot dogs! Yep, hot dogs with a drizzle of honey rolled into a crepe was pretty tasty! He also had canned and fresh fruit and beef patties. How ever you dress your pancake, er I mean crepe, you’re sure to enjoy topping it to this recipe.
This recipe is a modification on a family heirloom recipe. One reason why I love it is because it calls for so many eggs. If you need a high protein crepe, this is the one.
In a standing blender (I use the NutriBullet) add:
12 eggs
2/3 up of flour
3 tablespoons melted butter
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 cup cream (optional)
up to 1 cup of water (I use about 1/2 to 2/3)
Blend for about 10 seconds. Batter should be thin like milk.
Pour about 1/3 cup of batter onto a hot butter pan (medium to medium high heat). The crepe should cook quickly, about a minute on one side and less than 30 seconds on the flip side.
Top with your favorite toppings!