This video series consists of 20 live lessons I did with my 10-year-old daughter. They include lesson illustrations, lesson content (recap of lesson) and some lesson work in the form of narration.
This video series may be used independently or in conjunction with the Hajj Main Lesson Block curriculum which is available at pepperandpine.com.
Lessons range in time from about 20 minutes to one hour.
Lessons are live so if there are mistakes with the story content, I apologize in advance.
You can find links to all the videos with this product, but the lesson content is part of the curriculum.
Lesson 1: The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 35 min.
Lesson 2: The First Revelation 29 min.
Lesson 3: Khadija (raa) & Waraqah 25 min.
Lesson 4: Salman al-Farsi (ra) 25 min.
Lesson 5: Salman’s Search for Truth 32 min.
Lesson 6: The Five Pillars of Islam 53 min.
Lesson 7: The Five Daily Prayers 49 min.
Lesson 8: Zakat (obligatory charity) 50 min.
Lesson 9: Fasting During Ramadan 25 min.
Lesson 10: Hajj (Pilgrimage) 45 min.
Lesson 11: Ibrahim (as) & Night Sky 18 min.
Lesson 12: Ibrahim (as) & the Idols 36 min.
Lesson 13: Ibrahim (as) & the Great Fire 25 min.
Lesson 14: Ibrahim (as), Ismail (as) and Hajar 23 min.
Lesson 15: Prophet Ibrahim (as), Ismail (as) & The Great Sacrifice 36 min.
Lesson 16: Ibrahim (as), Ismail (as) & the Kaaba 25 min.
Lesson 17: The First Day of Hajj, 8th of Dhul Hijjah 33 min.
Lesson 18: Day of Arafat, 9th of Dhul Hijjah 42 min
Lesson 19: The Jamarat, 10th of Dhul Hijjah & Eid-ul-Adha 40 min.
Lesson 20: Ayyam-ut-Tashreeq | The 11th and 12th (& 13th) of Dhul Hijjah 32 min.
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