This is a super delightful, easy-to-assemble, playhouse kit for young children. This playhouse is small and adorable and can be assembled by a child in a matter of seconds. But, you’ll glean hours of playtime from this charming little house which includes beautiful strips of silk to decorate the two peg dolls as well as bits of wool for hair or decorations. The kit comes with either rainbow silk or night sky with stars silk. I liked them both so much, I got one of each. If you had to choose only one, I have to say I’d lean ever-so-slightly to the rainbow silk.
You can find Sarah’s Silks Mini Playhouse Kit at A Child’s Dream.
You can see our first two peg dolls now, but soon you’ll be able to see more of my Waldorf inspired crafts in a very special place to be announced soon!
You can download the pattern for the fairy peg doll here.
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