I was skeptical about these kits. The packaging is super cute and the colors of the wool enclosed are beautiful and vibrant. The two main problems with these kits are that the directions are lacking and no felting needle is included. Luckily we had a felting needle, but as for directions, we had to improvise and our results were okay, but nothing as cute at the image on the packaging. I was also unsure if it was real wool or not. It looks and feels good, but I don’t know enough about the varieties of wool to know if there are synthetic kinds.
You can see more of our handwork projects included our felting tutorials in this playlist.
Check local stores for wool kits from Daiso.
This project took about 15-20 minutes to complete. Additional supplies needed were felting needles and a foam mat for felting. Directions would have been nice too. If we do this again, we’ll make some changes so it resembles the packaging better. There was a lot of leftover wool in pink and orange.