Homeschool Haul

Maybe you buy homeschooling supplies throughout the year or maybe you buy them in bulk once or twice year. Since we follow a Waldorf approach, we are rotating our lessons throughout the year making it both fun and maybe stressful to plan for upcoming units and main lesson blocks. Currently we are working towards handwork projects, our Botany main lesson block and Mineralogy main lesson block.

The materials from this homeschool haul are primarily from A Child’s Dream and Michael’s Craft Store, with some books, games and pencils coming from Amazon and JetPens.

Shopping guide (non affiliate links except for Amazon)

A Child’s Dream



  • Blackwing 602 Pencils – Firm Lead – Pack of 12
  • Blackwing Natural Pencils – Extra Firm Lead – Pack of 12
  • Blackwing Pearl Pencils – Pearlescent Blue – Balanced Lead – Pack of 12
  • Blackwing Pencil Replacement Eraser – Navy Blue – Pack of 10
  • Blackwing Pencil Replacement Eraser – Green – Pack of 10

Homeschool Haul Fall 2024

Our Fall 2024 Homeschool Haul is primarily composed of books and resources for our two upcoming units of Chemistry and Anatomy. I have separate videos for Anatomy (both the Waldorf approach and a unit study approach) and Chemistry (both the Waldorf approach and a unit study approach). This homeschool haul contains both new and second hand materials, but links to everything may be found on the blog post that accompanies this video. While most items were either purchased from Amazon or thrift books (or locally), Amazon affiliate links are shared on the post. I encourage you to choose a retailer you want to support.

Mini Homeschool Haul

Enjoy these late additions to our homeschool haul! These are a few items I purchased for our Anatomy and Chemistry Main lesson blocks with the exception of Oceanarium which I plan to use for our opening activities.

Book Haul

Our homeschool runs on books among other things. Having a home library takes time and money to put together. While there are many books I buy new, there are many I buy second hand from thrift stores or the library bookstore. I have my eye out for certain kinds of books, so it’s become easy to for me to browse the books and pull the ones I think will work for us. I love illustrated books, especially the ones that have robust content. I think picture books are an undervalued and under estimated literary resource. If I find a beautifully illustrated book, it’s hard to pass up. I look for non-fiction mainly.

I rarely buy fiction, except for a few series or works of literature or classics. I rarely have the children get their fiction books from the library. Next, I look for books in science or history primarily, but am thrilled to find math and language arts resources. I look for upper elementary and middle school level books mostly, or books for younger children in which the author isn’t ‘talking down’ to the reader. I love living books! But it’s sometimes hard to tell if a book is a living book at first glance. I also keep in mind the main lesson blocks or unit studies I have coming up to see if a resource will fit. Sometimes, I buy a book I already own because I know it’s good, and it will make a great gift to another homeschooler!

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