How do you plan your day? I’ve noticed over the years, there are a few things that stay consistent: We do school in the morning and some after lunch, but other things are not consistent: The time we start school and the order in which we do our lessons.
I’ve noticed some things change with the season. We are pretty good at ‘doing school’ in the fall, but not so much in the spring. We can start school at 8 am in the fall, but not until 10 or 11 am in the spring. To compensate, I’ve decided to front load our year. We do our ‘heavy’ learning in the fall, or at least the things I really want the kids to focus on, since we’ll have the opportunity to practice those skills throughout the year. Then we move into our history units in the winter, followed by a lot of outdoor time in the spring for our science units.
This schedule seems to be working well, and because we’ve had this routine for so many years, the kids delight in the anticipation of each new season.
One thing that has been happening often which prompted me to change our unit schedule is that we seem to be unable to get to all our science units completed in the sprint and one of them consistently gets pushed into the fall. So now, we start with a science unit, then move into our math or grammar unit, followed by history and finishing with science.
I put our lesson plans on paper in a weekly spreadsheet created using Excel. When the assignments are completed, we highlight them. Our goal is to complete the lesson plan within the week…but you know…that doesn’t always happen. We plan, we adjust and we accept.
What do your plans look like? Let me know below!
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