Copywork and Dictation for the Muslim child is a curriculum using ayat which mention the 99 names Allah as content for copywork, dictation and memory work.
Each week a name of Allah will be focused for the duration of the week. On Day 1 of the week, the new sentence is presented and the student copies the sentence in the workbook. On Day 2 (the the previous lesson covered by a piece of paper), the teacher reads the sentence to the student who then writes the sentence into the workbook. Upon completion of the sentence, the student self corrects by checking the previous lesson. Mistakes are erased and corrected right away. Day 3 and Day 4 are repeats of the first two days and Day 5, the students writes the sentence from memory.
These lessons are short lasting 5 minutes in Level 1. These lessons are designed to be semi-self guided, short and repetitive. The repetitive nature of this curriculum is purposeful. The goals for the week’s worth of lessons can be multifold depending on which aspects you wish to focus on. Goals may include, handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation, memory work, memorization of the 99 Names, memorization of the ayat (or portions of the ayat) in Arabic, as well as listening and comprehension skills.
Levels get progressively more challenging, but the format remains the same. By Level 3, a student may choose to use a fountain pen for copywork and a pencil for dictation, but in Level 1 and 2, a pencil is recommended.
While this curriculum is geared towards the Muslim family, it is intended for everyone.
It can be used as a copywork and dictation curriculum to support multi-cultural studies, religious studies and lessons of diversity and inclusion.
The Teacher’s Manual, Student workbook for Level 1, Narrow Ruled Level 1, Wide Ruled Cursive, and Narrow Ruled Cursive are included in this bundle. You may use the wide rule or narrow rule curriculum to suit your student’s needs.
Level 1 (red level) includes:
•teacher’s manual (34 pages),
•36 weeks of content (5 lessons per week),
•Wide Ruled pages (86 pages),
•Narrow Ruled pages (74 pages),
•Cursive Wide Ruled pages (86 pages),
•Cursive Narrow Ruled pages (74 pages),
•Arabic Version (available 2021),
•5 minutes lessons,
•One Qur’anic ayat in which the name of Allah has been mentioned,
•short sentences,
•repetitive sentences (included are ones that are the same but with added content the following week)
•large lines for writing or narrow lines depending on preference
•suitable for grades 1st through 3rd
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