While having a Ramadan table is new for us in the past few years, the concept of having Ramadan themed decorations and activities has been a tradition in our family for over a decade. When the children were young, I made most of our projects by designing them on the computer, printing them out and then cutting and assembling them. Today, I still use my computer, but we also have other materials we use and even better, we have amazing companies that provide Ramadan themed projects for children of all ages. I love the new item we have this year which is the Ramadan Moon phases of the moon DIY wooden kit. I also love having an assortment of picture books, but I must say my collection of Ramadan themed picture books is minimal. That might be a goal for next year! When decorating a space, start with what you have and try to incorporate items that are authentic to you and your style. Bonus points for educational projects that double as decorations. Over the years, our decorations have changed and refined. Some things we still have and use from years and years ago, while other decorations get retired. Every year, I try to incorporate something new. This we we had a few things: The Ramadan Moon, some paper lanterns and a new string of lights. One item we’ve been using over and over again (though in different variations) is our Ramadan Calendar. While it’s common to put a little treat in each pocket, I have 20 non-candy alternatives you can put into each pocket. One year, I painted 30 peg dolls that depicted the phases of the moon. It was a labor intensive project, but I’m super pleased with the results. And, this is one project that can be used year round.
While I don’t have a print out of our sahaba stories, you can click here to see pictures of all of them.
I purchased this item at the QuadM shops in March of 2019. While at the time, I purchased the last one available, I’m hoping they have been restocked. In the meantime, you can check out the other products by The Rustik Home.
Asalamu allaykum!
I live in Sweden and I want the book who is Ramadan so how can I get this book.