When it comes to math, there’s practical everyday math, then there’s everything you learn in school in your math class. While there is overlap, it’s sometimes hard to make the leap f...Read More
In a Waldorf setting, the numbers 1-12 are explored through daily stories which explore the quality of each. Let’s explore the numbers together. Each number has a video in which I share the reso...Read More
My favorite subject of all of the math blocks is geometry taught the Waldorf way. It might even be my favorite main lesson block of all! Though Botany and Astronomy are right up there in the top three...Read More
Math can be a daunting subject area to tackle. We may have experienced our own math trauma in school which led up to grow up believing we weren’t good at math resulting in a fear or dislike of t...Read More
Mental Math are math questions that can be worked out in one’s head. Often, they are two part questions which involve a multiplication or division question first, followed by an addition or subt...Read More
I love math games! And I want to share with your their educational value and how to incorporate them into your lessons. 24 Games I love the 24 Games. Check out this video on these game. They have seve...Read More
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about how math is taught in Steiner schools (Waldorf education), this book will take you from conception to application. Teaching Mathematics in Rudolf...Read More
Key To math series are the only math books we ever buy. They are simple, student-led and environmental friendly! You read it right, they are environmental friendly. The workbooks contain about 45 page...Read More
https://youtu.be/TpT4ZI3Odjc Counting sticks are typically used in Waldorf classroom to practice skip counting and the multiplication table. They are easy to make and have many other uses as well̷...Read More
We just finished our math unit and we used nearly all the math books below during our six week unit. The exceptions were the reference books at the bottom of this list. Here’s how this list can ...Read More