Virtual Homeschool Coop | Boxed Curriculum | Assignment #3

What are the highlights and challenges of using a boxed curriculum? I’ll share some insight on the benefits of using a boxed curriculum as well as using curriculum ‘a la carte’.

Just starting out? New to homeschooling? Just in it for a year or two? Don’t want to bother with piecing together a curriculum on your own? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then maybe a using a ‘boxed curriculum’ is a good option for you.

Do you have strong ideas of how you want to teach each subject? Is your kid at different levels within his/her grade? Does your curriculum bore you in certain subjects? Is a boxed curriculum too expensive in your opinion? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then maybe piecing together your curriculum is the way to go.

Which ever way you go, be sure to personalize your homeschool with a flavor that’s uniquely yours. You and your kids will come to appreciate the diversity 😉

Join the Virtual Homeschool Coop Channel Collaboration.
Playlist for Assignment #1: Channel Intros
Playlist for Assignment #2: Homeschool Conventions
Playlist for Assignment #3: Boxed Curriculum
Playlist for Assignment #4: Standardized Tests
Playlis for Assignment #5: Me Time: How Do You Take Care of Youself While Homeschooling
Playlist for Assignment #6: Scheduling the School Year
Playlist for Assignment #7: Favorite Homeschool Resource
Playlist Assignment #8: How Do You Pack Up At The End Of School Year

The goal of the Virtual Homeschool Coop is to build the homeschool community of knowledge with collaborations to give voice to all experiences in homeschooling.


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