This is the Assignment #2 for the Virtual Homeschool Co-op! Listen to me talk about the homeschool conferences and whether they are worth it to attend.
It turns out that I’m a big fan and supporter of homeschool conventions! I’ve been homeschooling for a while now and have been attending homeschool conventions for just as long, but I have to say that I learn something new every time I go. Going to the convention may not be feasible for you if you have little children, live far away or don’t have the money to spend on the registration fees. That’s okay; there are plenty of other ways to get the convention experience online. However, I find them to be a distant second to actually being at the convention.
Back when my kids were little and I was just starting out, I didn’t have a support system or even a homeschooling community. Going to the convention is where I got information, inspiration and support to homeschool. I found the speakers knowledgeable, encouraging and very inspiring. I know by June (or even sooner!), many homeschoolers are spent! Going to a convention is rejuvenating and nourishing. I always leave feeling refreshed and excited to take on another year. The energy at convention is like nothing you’ll get online, so even a little struggle to get to convention is worth it.
I also suggest you to come with a budget. Nearly all conventions have an expo hall where vendors from various homeschooling or educational companies come with material to showcase. It’s a great time to purchase curriculum, even if it’s a little more expensive, I encourage you to buy it at convention. It is expensive for vendors to come to these conventions. It is also very exhausting, not to mention discouraging when people leave and buy it online for less. Consider being able to hold the curriculum in your hands and browse through it, save on shipping and getting right away the price you pay for the materials being a little bit more than what you’d find online. I know that our vendor’s hall at our local homeschool convention has been getting smaller every year because it’s just too costly for companies to come out. And did you know that most conventions don’t charge admission to visit the vendor’s hall? So even if you can’t commit financially or attend the conference, you can still stroll the vendor’s hall.
Have you attended a homeschool convention? Tell me what you liked and didn’t like about it.
Join the Virtual Homeschool Coop Channel Collaboration.
Playlist for Assignment #1: Channel Intros
Playlist for Assignment #2: Homeschool Conventions
Playlist for Assignment #3: Boxed Curriculum
Playlist for Assignment #4: Standardized Tests
Playlis for Assignment #5: Me Time: How Do You Take Care of Youself While Homeschooling
Playlist for Assignment #6: Scheduling the School Year
Playlist for Assignment #7: Favorite Homeschool Resource
Playlist Assignment #8: How Do You Pack Up At The End Of School Year