Back to School Homeschool Haul- September 2019
It’s that time of year again…the time where my wishlist is bursting and finally books and resources are being moved from the wishlist to the shopping cart and what follows after that is pure happiness as all these inspiring supplies start trickling in. Since all our supplies didn’t come in at once, you can click the links below for the other homeschool hauls for the start of this year. And as always, you can check out the units that these materials are for. For more info the materials we purchased using our homeschool educational funding, you can check out the blog post on my website that accompanies this video where you’ll find pictures of all the materials we got as well links to my favorite vendors.
Check out our other homeschool hauls.
Check out our Bird unit study.
Check out GoodTreeHomeschool on Instagram. Angie showcases fabulous living books.
I love picture book biographies! Here’s a video of several female role models in science and more.
When putting together a history (and units in general) unit, I look for books/resources in the following topic areas:
History (famous people, timeline history, historical events)
Biographies (picture books work great for biographies)
Geography (a single atlas book does fine)
Historical fiction (a great way to get your history/culture in a fun book)
Culture/food/clothing (cook up a dish from the time period)
Audio books/songs (music from the time period is fun to listen to)
Projects/Activities (pre-made kits are a go-to staple around here)
Games (Professor Noggins are our favorite)
Workbooks (use sparingly or skip and do narrations)
Picture books (surprisingly informative & fun)
Activity and project books (Lauri Carlson has several)
Science/math (adding other subjects rounds out your unit)
Check out our complete Owl Unit Study with videos on how we put this unit together, the resources we used and the projects we did. You can also check out our larger Bird Unit Study which includes more projects and resources.
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Living Books, Unit Study and Waldorf Supplies -July 2019
Oh my! New books are here as well as main lesson notebooks, fountain pens, hands-on kits and much more! Dive into these new materials with me! Many are from Amazon, but the Waldorf supplies are from my favorite Waldorf vendor: A Child’s Dream.
At the start of the year, and then several times throughout the year, I buy materials for our main lesson blocks (unit studies). While I have a general idea of what I want, I’m using getting inspiration from what I find at my favorite retailers. When it comes to homeschool material, Rainbow Resource is my favorite, for Waldorf material, I love A Child’s Dream and Waldorf Supplies. For books, Amazon! But not because they have the best prices, because let’s be honest, they don’t always have the best price, but because their book recommendations and availability are top notch. While I’d much prefer to support smaller book sellers, sometimes out of convenience, I’m shopping at Amazon.
Here is a list of the unit studies in which these materials have been used or the units they go with. We have our Bird Unit which I loved doing and a few of these books will be added to that unit. We also did a smaller, yet very engaging Owl Unit. I found some beautiful titles at he Inspired Muslim Mama’s Instagram account. Go check her out because her things are breathtaking. And lastly, we have a book or two being added to our Bee Unit from this haul.
We also have a horse unit coming up! I love the way our horse unit is shaping up and I can’t wait to share that with you.
In this haul, we also got Portrait main lesson books, Landscape main lesson books, the Birthday book, and a couple Horse kits we already started using which are awesome! So awesome, we bought another one! This is the first year we are officially adding Legos to our homeschool in an educational capacity and my children are thrilled with the addition.

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CW Pencil Enterprise Haul | I Bought Pencils & We’re Loving Them! -July 2020
Well goodness me…here I am talking for nearly an hour about a handful of pencils. Granted these pencils are soooo talk worthy!! But because they are brand new to me, I did give occasional wrong information…sorry. Please visit CW Pencil Enterprise company for accurate up-to-date info on everything in their inventory. You won’t regret it, they have the best assortment of pencils curated by a pencil enthusiast. Check out the blog post for links to the products we purchased.
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Unit Study Haul- August 2020

Choosing material for homeschool unit studies and Waldorf main lesson blocks is one of my favorite things to do in homeschool. I have a few go-to vendors for materials and Rainbow Resource is one of them. For the most part, I like their selection of books and even better, I love their assortment of hands on activities and kits. The materials and resources we bought in this haul are for a few units we plan to do. Our European Middle Ages unit spread into a Silk Road unit which immediately got derailed with a West Africa unit before circling back to a China unit which naturally turned into an ancient China unit. When we love a project, it’s not uncommon for us to buy it again. In this case, we love the geode kit and the huge geode kit which was actually less thrilling than the smaller geodes.
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Waldorf and Montessori Educational Haul | Treasures by Jennifer | Math & Arabic Letters-August 2020
These wooden educational products by Treasures from Jennifer are some of the most beautiful pieces in our homeschool room. They are well made, durable and all natural. They are also expensive and take up lots of room. These items accompany our math main lesson blocks. We use them to practice the multiplication table, number facts, and more. These items are primarily for my 9-year-old daughter, but the geometry materials will be used by both my 13-year-old son and my daughter. You can find more information about where you can find these materials on the blog post that accompanies this video.
Hi Hanna,
I just saw your video about the Waldorf haul and you said that you wanted to get the eraser for the fountain pen. I have been looking myself for it and just found one on Amazon. We are from Germany and we called those erasers “Tintenkiller”, Tinte means ink and killer I’m sure you understand that. So, I just found them under this word and they come 2 in a pack. Maybe that helps.
By the way, you’re doing a great job. I always wonder how you find the time doing all of this with 4 kids. I only have one and I couldn’t do it like you. That’s just amazing the time and effort you put into preparing the lessons for your kids. Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes,