Want to know the best state to homeschool in? I stand behind California’s options for homeschoolers specifically and schooling in general. Though there isn’t s...Read More The longer you’ve been doing this, the more mistakes you accumulate. I’ve had too many to count, so I’m going to share two regrets and one success. Want ...Read More
First grade supplies for a Waldorf curriculum are so beautiful and inspiring. Typical materials you’ll find are watercolors, watercolor paper, block and stick crayons, a recorder, beeswax, yarn ...Read More Main lessons or unit studies are a great way to dive into a subject area. You can focus on a single subject (main lesson) or you can do the tradition unit study approach i...Read More
It’s nearly spring and that means we are putting our history units aside and welcoming spring with our nature units. We are kicking it off with this small unit study on Bees and Honey. I’v...Read More It’s nothing new. You’ve probably heard these tips before, but there’s a reason they’re classic organizational tips. Did your tip make the list? Ti...Read More
I love books. I love paper. I love pretty pictures and beautiful words. I love it when someone finds a great books and shares it. These books are mostly from recommendations from other YouTubers. Plea...Read More Can you homeschool as an introvert? The short answer is yes! The long answer is that it’s going to take planning and understanding of yourself and others. Join me an...Read More What does homeschooling mean to you? And what does it mean to be authentically homeschooling? Being authentic means doing what’s right for you and your family. Sound...Read More
Ever learned the fifty states and capitals only to forget them? Try adding some games like Fast Track States and Capitals or, my favorite 10 Days Across the USA. If songs are your thing, you can try ...Read More