Hajj Main Lesson Block curriculum is a 4 week curriculum that is story based for grades KG-grade 6 that is intended and written for all audiences.
Each lesson comes with story content, illustrati...Read More
Get all your Hajj curriculum needs in one place: 4-week full curriculum (story based content, lesson activities, illustrations, watercolors, narration suggestions, and resources), 20 live video lesson...Read More
<span style="font-weight: 400;">This video series consists of 20 live lessons I did with my 10-year-old daughter. They include lesson illustrations, lesson content (recap of lesson) and some lesson wo...Read More
These lesson plans are included in the Hajj Main Lesson Block Curriculum.
<span style="font-weight: 400;">Welcome to the Lesson Plans for the Hajj Main Lesson Block. This unit is scheduled for 4 we...Read More
Dhu-al-Hijjah is the 12th and final month of the Islamic calendar. During this month, millions of Muslims worldwide make pilgrimage to Makkah. The rites of pilgrimage, the significance and the histori...Read More
The Waldorf pedagogy is to introduce the whole before the parts. We will focus on the whole being the sounds of nature before moving to the parts which would be the isolated sounds and instrumental so...Read More
The ancient civilizations blocks for the Waldorf curriculum for year 5 is fairly extensive having continued from the previous year’s exploration of Norse mythology, the civilizations of Akkad an...Read More