The Ancient Civilizations are taught in Waldorf schools in grade 5 when children are 10-12 years old. The ancient cultures are taught uniquely in a Waldorf setting as the main aspects of the lessons a...Read More
Are you curious what was going on in the rest of world while Europe was deep in the Dark Ages? While it’s considered the Middle Ages or Medieval Times in Europe, other parts of the world had bee...Read More
Main Lesson Block on the Silk Road and its Vast and Varied History Our Silk Road unit has been underway for a couple years now. Each time we dive into it, it grows. Now this history period, that began...Read More
North Africa and the Journey of Ibn Battuta The 1200-1400s were a vibrant time for explorers. Starting with Marco Polo in the 1200s to Ibn Battuta in the 1300s and finally Zheng He in the 1400s, the E...Read More
The Empires of Mali, Ghana and Songhai (900s-1400s) Is it really Medieval if Africa was experiencing its Golden Age? It was an age of exploration, wealth, power and civilization. This unit study on Af...Read More
Did you know that during the Middle Ages, plates and forks hadn’t been invented yet?! While spoons, knives and bowls were common, many people ate with their fingers on ‘plates’ made ...Read More
Want to know about the Middle Ages? You’ve come to the right place! I’ve collected a wide assortment of resources for this unit study on Medieval Times with a focus on Europe. While our Li...Read More
When choosing English literature books for my 9th grader, I looked for ones with a historical theme, set in a time period we were studying or were American classics. That way, the books my son was rea...Read More
You can make this string art as part of a geometry unit or Ancient Rome/Greece unit. We are using the book called “Classical Kids An Activity Guide to Life in Ancient Greece and Rome” by L...Read More
Curious about how to put together a unit study? Join me as I take you through my process for putting together a unit study for Ancient Egypt. Much of the process is the same for all my history units, ...Read More