The following post was an email I wrote to my homeschool group. I wrote it in August of 2010. After attending the Waldorf homeschool conference in Santa Cruz this summer [July 2010], my understanding ...Read More
Story of the World was the first history curriculum we purchased years ago when our homeschool journey was just starting out. While we enjoyed it for a couple years, we quickly realized that it wasn&#...Read More
There are many ways to take classes in high school from forming your own, buying a curriculum, taking online classes to taking community college classes. Today I’m sharing our experience with co...Read More
How to organize bookshelves can vary depending on the types of books you have. If you have a lot of books in one subject area, you can group them together. Groups can be by subject like “botany&...Read More
The process of lesson planning seems to be a mystery because so much of what is shown are the final stages of lesson planning, the point where page numbers and book titles are being added into the les...Read More
Are you considering taking college classes while in high school? If so, there are a few things you should know. Whether you homeschool, go to a public school or attend a private school, high school st...Read More I’m a creature of habit, so once a room is set up in our home, I have no desire to change it. Our school room has basically been the same since we set it up in 2013....Read More Want to know the best state to homeschool in? I stand behind California’s options for homeschoolers specifically and schooling in general. Though there isn’t s...Read More The longer you’ve been doing this, the more mistakes you accumulate. I’ve had too many to count, so I’m going to share two regrets and one success. Want ...Read More
First grade supplies for a Waldorf curriculum are so beautiful and inspiring. Typical materials you’ll find are watercolors, watercolor paper, block and stick crayons, a recorder, beeswax, yarn ...Read More