Maybe you buy homeschooling supplies throughout the year or maybe you buy them in bulk once or twice year. Since we follow a Waldorf approach, we are rotating our lessons throughout the year making it...Read More
The book selections I am sharing with you are suitable for all faiths and ages. While they are primarily children’s books, I find them to be both enjoyable to read and educational for children a...Read More
The ancient civilizations blocks for the Waldorf curriculum for year 5 is fairly extensive having continued from the previous year’s exploration of Norse mythology, the civilizations of Akkad an...Read More
I start my lessons on Ancient Persia in the kitchen years before we read a single book. In part because we love Persian (Iranian) food deeply and have learned several recipes from my friend Teyebeh wh...Read More
The Ancient Civilizations are taught in Waldorf schools in grade 5 when children are 10-12 years old. The ancient cultures are taught uniquely in a Waldorf setting as the main aspects of the lessons a...Read More
Dhu-al-Hijjah is the 12th and final month of the Islamic calendar. During this month, millions of Muslims worldwide make pilgrimage to Makkah. The rites of pilgrimage, the significance and the histori...Read More
My 10-year-old daughter requested a unit on poetry. Since we’ve included poetry in our main lesson blocks as part of the lessons or opening activities, we had a lot of resources to choose from. ...Read More
For years I made finger puppets using wooden molds that are larger than peg dolls and include a hollowed center. Then I discovered peg dolls and started making those. I’m still partial to finger...Read More
They say it’s the most important meal of the day. But when you break fast it could be first thing in the morning or any time of day so really we can have breakfast food in the morning or at nigh...Read More
Upcycled, repurposed and beautiful I love making things. I love the creative aspect of crafting. I love it even more when I can repurpose items. Here is a collection of projects and tutorials that don...Read More